


This international workshop, a joint event between EDNANO and EAST, is devoted to the electrodeposition of nanostructures and their properties (magnetism, catalysis, chemical analysis, anticorrosion coatings, thermoelectric conversion, electrode materials for batteries and supercapacitors, water splitting…). The topics range from recent developments of the electrodeposition synthesis techniques to the relationship between nanostructures and their properties of use.

Lectures and poster sessions will take place at the Université de Lorraine on the Technopole campus, close to the city center of Metz. In the same spirit as the previous editions, an optional guided visit of Metz old Town is planned on Saturday.

The registration fee is €130. It includes breaks, lunches, the gala dinner and the Saturday visit.

The 15th International Workshops on Electrodeposited Nanostructures (EDNANO) is organized by


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